"Astroganger was a 1972 Japanese animation about a Super Robot anime series created by Knack Productions and an alien woman named Maya crash-lands on Earth. Her homeworld was destroyed by the Blasters, a cruel alien race who steals the natural resources from other planets. She falls in love with a scientist and gives birth to a human boy named Kentaro. When the Blasters invade the Earth, Kentaro must defeat them by fighting with Astroganger, a robot made from living metal."
May 25, 2013
Astrogangar to the Rescue Exclusively from Medicon Toy
Medicon Toy have announced their exclusive release of their 'Astrogangar' figure.
The 12" articulated arms and head vinyl figure comes in two colorways of original and fake (yeah you read that right). You can pre-order the living metal Robot now from HERE with plans to release in late August.
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